“High Protein Vegetarian Meals to choose for your diet”

Aarzoo Iqbal
1 min readFeb 11, 2021


For those who are forbidden to eat meat or are vegetarians, there is no need to worry anymore. Because we have come up with some recipes that will make you feel like meat even if you don’t eat meat and are prepared in a short time.

  • Vegetarian Tofu and Tempeh :

These are soy products. Tofu is made from solid soy milk. Tempeh is made from brown rice, water, soybeans. Both of them are used as meat substitutes.

  • Vegetarian Gluten Meat :

It’s also known as Seitan or wheat gluten. It’s made by kneading wheat flour with water. It has 75 grams of Gluten protein.

  • Spaghetti Squash:

It’s a group of Cucurbita pepo. Due to its high fiber, vitamins, protein content, it’d be valuable for a healthy vegetarian diet.

  • Chicken Quinoa :

It contains 14–18% proteins so it’s a believable nutritious diet for those who don’t eat meat.

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Vegetarian Hemp Protein :

It has all 9 essential amino acids and has a similar composition as proteins like soy and eggs white etc. So you can use Hemp protein as a substitute for meat.

